I have high hopes for wallabag

I would really like to replace Evernote with a self-hosted solution. Wallabag is one alternative that’s pretty attractive. It’s open source, supports imports and exports, and nice on the eyes. What’s currently holding me back is the lack of an Evernote importer (I kind of expect that, and am eagerly looking forward to writing an

Quick Linux ACL

I wanted a directory and everything under it to always get the same owner, group and mode, regardless of who created the files. Access Control Lists to the rescue. [crayon-64cebc27d9da9535756357/] I had to apt-get install acl to get the setfacl command. I’m not exactly clear on why I repeat two regular ACLs with the “d:”

Raspberry Pi SSH cipher speed

I was curious to see how quickly I could transfer files to my Pi using SSH rather than FTP. Obviously using FTP is way faster than almost any other method, but still I wanted to see how fast I could transfer data over SSH. Here’s the time it took to transfer a 50 MB file

Enable X11 Forwarding on Raspberry Pi

The usual suspects failed me last night when the $DISPLAY environment variable wasn’t being set after I logged in via SSH to my Pi. The usual suspects being to make sure that the X11 forwarding options were turned on in /etc/ssh/sshd_config on the server and in ssh_config on the client, or to use the command

Upgrade Java for the CLI on Mac OS X

I was screwing around for too long with various installers on my Mac, trying to get the latest available Java runtime working from my terminal. Finally, some kind soul on StackExchange I think mentioned that if you want to get Java on the command line working, you have to install the JDK package, even if

Multi-page PDF to multiple images

[crayon-64cebc27db4ca178514317/] Prefix that with gm if you’re running GraphicsMagick rather than ImageMagick. The %d part means that a number should be placed there to indicate the page number from the original that the image file contains. So a three-page PDF will produce [crayon-64cebc27db4d5242549453/] You can get a better default sort order on the files by

join: the command

From the manual: [crayon-64cebc27db809682125859/] I had two CSVs, baz01.csv and baz02.csv. They shared the same first column, which was a list of database table names. The second column contained the number of rows from each table. The row numbers between the two files were different, and I wanted to compare them. The join command to

New green method of making concrete

This post on a product designer’s foray into making a much more Earth-friendly concrete gives me hope for humanity. It’s estimated that about 5% of greenhouse gasses are released due to the existing process of making the cement in traditional concrete. The new process, dubbed “Dupe,” uses approximately none (although I’m sure a fair amount

something wicked this way comes

[crayon-64cebc27dbb54868654446/] When I ping fujipi, it reports the correct IP – it’s in my hosts file! For the record, the host key should not have changed.

Getting folding@home cores downloaded

So I was trying to contribute some cycles to the Folding@Home project recently, and ran into a problem that took seemingly forever to figure out. The log.txt file showed that the core (the build of the executable that’s optimized for a given platform) wouldn’t download. [crayon-64cebc27dbebc114119476/]

AWK blows me away

How did I not know this about awk!? Don’t get me wrong, I’m no awk expert; I’m always using some of the most simple and obvious features it has. But I almost always use the -F option to specify the field separator. Until today, I thought you could only give it either a single character