New green method of making concrete

This post on a product designer’s foray into making a much more Earth-friendly concrete gives me hope for humanity. It’s estimated that about 5% of greenhouse gasses are released due to the existing process of making the cement in traditional concrete. The new process, dubbed “Dupe,” uses approximately none (although I’m sure a fair amount does go into the mass production of urea, which is a major component of fertilizer).

Turns out, all you need is some sand, bacteria, calcium chloride and a decent amount of urea.

The reason I think Dupe is so much better is because it only requires “biological temperatures” (I suppose that means 80-100ยฐF), as opposed to the thousands of degrees needed to make calcium carbonate and clays react to form cement. The only real downside I see at this point is that structurally, Dupe concrete is only about 2/3 as strong as traditional concrete. But come on, I know some smart materials science people must want to get in on this and try to make it even better.

New green method of making concrete is original content from devolve.