APC is dead, long live APCu & ZendOpcache

So far, the site seems slightly snappier now that I’ve replaced the venerable (but old and unmaintained) APC with APCu for user-space object caching and ZendOpcache for opcode caching. Various people report seeing 10-30% improvement in speed with the new opcode cache / optimizer that will be the default in PHP 5.5. Also APCu is

MySQL engines, constraints & keys

I wanted to see how I could improve the performance of a MySQL database with mixed table engines by converting all the MyISAM tables to InnoDB, as well as make the huge DB responsive while backing up by using mysqldump with the --single-transaction option. I used the following PHP script (I know, spare me): [crayon-64cebc2b2c1e6054361903/]

VX ConnectBot

I had been using ConnectBot for a long time on my Android devices, because I wanted something to remotely administer machines without needing an actual laptop. It’s nice because the data plan is built-in to most mobiles, so one doesn’t necessarily need a wifi connection nearby. Unfortunately, it’s rather time-consuming and clumsy to use an

Probable compiler bug on Raspberry Pi

I was messing around with Varnish on my Pi and was a little peeved that it kept crashing right after start up. Turns out, this issue is well known to the Googles and everyone who’s tried to run it on the Pi, or at least on Raspbian like I am. If you try running Varnish

Just a little panicked

I nearly lost data permanently last night while trying to merge master and dev branches in my web server’s document root. Thankfully I had a not-so-recent backup that included all the uploaded media that I’d intentionally excluded from the git repo. Seems all is well now, but like every technology, Git is both wonderful and

Faster webserver on Raspberry Pi

The Raspberry Pi has a 32-bit ARM CPU running at 700MHz by default, although you can usually overclock them somewhat and still enjoy stable behavior. I’m running Raspbian, a Debian-based distribution built for the Pi. One thing that’s mildly annoying is that running WordPress on the Pi using Nginx and php-fpm has been dog slow,


Great write up on the glances utility over here. [crayon-64cebc2b2c8f6202061576/]

enabled SSL/TLS on devolve

Big thanks to StartSSL for getting me set up with a signed certificate. Their FAQ on configuring with openssl and nginx worked like a charm. I even got a handy email from them after I thought I was done, telling me that I needed to concatenate the certificate they gave me with a sub cert

climagic is magic

If you’re not following @climagic, you should be forced to listen to this for hours on end: [crayon-64cebc2b2cae5181824956/] That’s just one of the many glorious bits from this timeline.

Commafeed UI tweak

If you’re not using Commafeed, (and really, why aren’t you) and you like web-based feed readers, you should check it out – it’s pretty great. There is one UI flaw that bugged me with the latest commit I grabbed today: the left sidebar with the list of feeds was too wide. Luckily, Commafeed makes it

Overturn ECPA Now

UPDATE: We made it! As of right now, there are 105,628 signatures on the petition. Thank you! Can’t wait to hear what the white house says on this. Please sign this petition! I’m having trouble believing that it’s taken this long for people to take a minute to sign it. Is the level of apathy

Check certificates for known weak entropy

On Ubuntu/Debian, you can sudo apt-get install openssl-blacklist.Then just run the following: [crayon-64cebc2b2ce74613745327/] The last line of output is the most important; It should read “not blacklisted.” :-)

Locamatic – automatic Mac location changer

UPDATE: locamatic is not maintained anymore as far as I can tell. Check out my post on a replacement: ControlPlane Glad I found Locamatic, because I need to set different network location profiles on my Mac based on where I am in order for the network to function properly. It works by checking which wifi

Google’s Octane 2 Scores

Google released version 2.0 of their Octane browser / js benchmark. I decided to run it against my installed browsers Firefox, Safari and Chrome. IE is missing here since I’m running a Mac. Here are the results for the browsers on my machine (higher score is better):