Debian server DNS bogosity

Note: I’m running my Raspberry Pi as a server, and NetworkManager is not installed.

I discovered that if you want to manually assign search and nameserver entries in your /etc/resolv.conf file, you can’t just add the relevant entries to static entry in /etc/network/interfaces:

For some unknown reason, the resolvconf utility will still attempt to query an upstream DHCP server to get additional name service data. I don’t know why it works this way, I believe it should be hands-off if you’ve specified static in your interfaces file. I finally found that dhcpcd was called to get the info, and added the following line to /etc/dhcpcd.conf to disable actions relating to eth0:

I suppose if I wanted additional interfaces to work properly using dhcp, I’d have to get rid of all this and configure each interface manually via NetworkManager or wicd.

Debian server DNS bogosity is original content from devolve.