Tag: command line

Why no alternate compression algorithms in rsync?

I was thinking the other day, gzip is all fine and good, but why doesn’t rsync support other compression methods? There are a few use cases where using LZO (a very low latency compression algorithm) would be a better choice. One such case would be when operating with a relatively slow CPU, such as on

rsync –skip-compress=LIST option

On Ubuntu 12.04, rsync has the --skip-compress=LIST option, which is fricken’ rad since it defaults to skipping files with the extensions 7z, avi, bz2, deb, gz, iso, jpeg, jpg, mov, mp3, mp4 ogg, rpm, tbz, tgz, z and zip. So before, when we used to agonize over whether to use the -z option if the

zRam Has A Posse

How have I not known about this? Inconceivable! Here’s a WebUpd8 article on zRam. This zRam software looks like the bees’ knees for low-memory systems, of which I have a few. Crazily, all one needs is a sudo apt-get install zram-config to get it going.

Cool Shell One-Liner of the Day

awk -F, '{print $1}' CSV | sort | uniq -c | grep -vw 1 | tee /dev/tty | wc -l UPDATE: I went back and saw this post and thought to myself, “Self, why didn’t you annotate this garbage, you cheeky bastard?” OK, so the first part is pretty clear: get the first (or whichever)

Git Howto

Git Howto is the greatest and best git tutorial of all time. Of all time.

gzip by default

In my last post on gzip, I discovered that gzip can compress data in a more sync-friendly way. This totally unrelated blog entry from nginx discusses a new gunzip filter that decompresses compressed data for clients that don’t support gzip. I was thinking about this the other day. Why not store all your content compressed, then you

Gzip and Rsync

Gzip and Rsync were sitting in a tree, k-i-s- Ok, I’ll stop. I just wanted to mention that I came across this little nugget in the gzip manpage the other night: [crayon-64cebc2cb7169541254924/] That, I think, is pretty cool.