Privacy Policy

I care a lot about privacy. I will always try to do my best to make sure that any information about visitors to this site remains private.

Web server logs are typically kept for less than two months. Any retention of that data is strictly for the purpose of my own personal curiosity and analysis. I may also collect and store indefinitely any information you submit via the contact form, with the understanding that you meant for me to have it. Unless you indicate otherwise, I will assume you meant for contact form submissions to be private. I assume any user comments submitted were meant to be public.

I will not sell, rent or otherwise willingly disclose any information about specific individual site visitors. If I’m served with a lawful court order to disclose information and legal counsel advises that I must comply, I consider that an unwilling disclosure. I pledge to attempt to properly and thoroughly anonymize any aggregate data collected that I wish to share, such that it will not personally identify any visitor.

If you have questions or concerns about this policy please msg me at @realgeek on Lemmy.