Here’s What A 3D-Printed Record Sounds Like [Video]

Here's What A 3D-Printed Record Sounds Like [Video] on RRW discusses the process used to generate (in a digital way, it seems) to create a 3D-printed playable 12-inch record. It sounds terrible. I was thinking it might make more sense to use an analog method like the original record was made: tell the printer to

Git Howto

Git Howto is the greatest and best git tutorial of all time. Of all time.

Term Limits

I am aware that at least some term limits on political offices are mandated by the Constitution, but that doesn’t mean I don’t feel like spouting off about some injustices that I feel are detrimental to our political processes. First, I think that any elected official should only be given a single term. Crazy, right?

We Won!

Finally, the politicking is over. Yes, I know this post is absurdly late, but in a few tight races, they’ve only just recently finished recounts and whatnot, without any surprises. In my post on the Capillary Man, I echoed the assertion that Obama winning a second term was actually a far more significant measure of

MakerBot Replicator 2

I. Want. One. The MakerBot Replicator 2 looks fantastic! And I just watched a video where a guy made a  bunch of cool stuff with it. And I’m browsing Thingiverse like a maniac. I need help.

Cool Bicycle Design: Bicymple

The Bicymple is a really cool idea for a bike! I would love it if someone could design compact inline gears for this thing. Bicymple bicycle concept

DRM and Visual Impairment

I was happy to discover Rupert Goodwin’s blog today, thanks to Cory’s post on BB about the terrible situation that the visually-impaired have with DRM on ebooks. I’d say that for at least the next 25 years or so, our best bet is on improved machine assistance rather than a biological solution, so things such

Crime and Punishment

I just read the latest update on the Aaron Swartz case, and it turns my stomach. Here’s the summary from boingboing: